Friday, March 29, 2013


A mouthful of eggs and a television on
I ate them all, all of them up
Bombs falling on hearts in the sand
Just a movie or the news
Maybe it doesn't really matter
A little seasoning and it all tastes the same

A glass of water and the radio on
I drank them up, all of them up
Words falling on ears in the sand
Just a minute for the news
Surely it doesn't really matter
A little ice and it all tastes better

Asleep and the nightlight on
I dreamed them up, all of them up
Pictures falling on me in the sand
Just a blink for the news
Maybe this is what matters
A little gone and it all seems better further away

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Swingin' Holy Guy

While Jorge was having gazpacho
A name came, and he thought "I gotcha!"
Told cardinals with glee
"It's blue eyes for me.
I'll name myself after Sinatra."

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Monday, March 11, 2013

The Finnish Line

There once was a mermaid named Gwynn
She liked to have drinks and go swim
While drinking one night
At Sweden took right
And now we see Gwynn is a Finn.


His books were a lovely insane
And none of his fiction mundane
Dear Adams has left
But I'm not bereft
His forty-two's stuck in my brain.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

The Amateur

The Amateur
Dearest paint
This room I give thee
May you cover politely with intent
My brushes glopped with thy goo
May they find purchase on blessed walls
For I, being, a simple man and painter of fleeting consequence
Reject the purchase of more goo gloppers
I've plenty
And rollers who easily coat, spinning and crackling
Spray me not
I need no more freckles
Nor hair coloring
Nor fingernails fraught with mysterious Rorsarch blots
And if, during your duties, find the floor
Spread not
Nor find the soles of my feet
Lest they carry you to the ends of the home
Sharing your philanthropic physics with thirsty carpet
Dearest paint
My hands will guide you with implements of consternation
Tedious and odious
And often odorous
Spread evenly, you must
Or off to the store I must
With wallet and reluctance
To the counter for more of you
Though charming and colorful you may be
Expensive art thou since ye aren't free